
You will not pay $5 prescription fees if you are over 65 years, a child (13 years or younger) or have a Community Services Card.

Repeats have no fee attached either (unless the brand chosen has a part charge eg Ventolin) , and most controlled drug scripts are exempt.

You are eligible for exemption ( prescription subsidy card ) from  the standard co-payment prescription fee once you have received 20  funded prescription items that have had a $5 prescription fee attached, within 12 months (1 February – 31 January each year). You can combine the number of prescriptions with members of your family, including your spouse and dependent children up to age 18 (or whilst they are still at school).  

Check with us today that we have your family all linked together,  and let us know if you have collected funded scripts elsewhere, so we can add them to your count. 

If you are having trouble with paying the script fees at the start of the year, talk to us.  You might be eligible for a WINZ grant, we can provide receipts for you  to take to WINZ, and/or we can help you set up weekly payments to spread the load across the year.  

If you have any questions please speak to our pharmacists, our pharmacy is conveniently located on the main street in central Howick.


Life Pharmacy Howick

We are located centrally in picturesque Howick in East Auckland. Our pharmacy has been serving the community for nearly 100 years